Permanent Systems

Natural Event can provide consultation, design and management services for the installation of permanent composting toilet systems, on ground management, and vermiculture treatment processes.

For festivals that have secure tenure of their site and are committed to reducing the environmental impact of their event, we highly recommend considering our permanent composting toilet system. We assist your transition to make a positive choice not only for the environment but for your patrons and long-term budget as well.
Meredith Music Festival
In 2006 the iconic and long running Meredith Music Festival began the transition from the standard port a loo after trailing Natural Events’ Composting toilet system.
“The feedback on the new composting loos was universally positive. They would be about the biggest hit we’ve ever had in 16 years. Our thanks to Natural Event for their input and wisdom” Meredith Organizer
By 2009 Meredith Music Festival had converted to 100% site wide permanent composting toilets based on the Natural Event design, system and management techniques.
Falls Festival

The Falls Festival began using Natural Event Compost Toilets in 2003 after seeing them in action at Natural Event’s origin festival, ‘Folk Rhythm & Life’ . Over several years of working closely with the festival and the local environmental authorities in both Victoria and Tasmania, Natural Event facilitated the festival’s complete transition to self-managed permanent systems across both sites.

The Natural Event composting toilet system and management techniques have contributed significantly to the recognition and awards that the festival has received in relation to sustainable innovation and practice. Director Simon Daly is continually noted in media for his pride and satisfaction in the system

The Falls Festival, awarded for environmental excellence
2007 – Banksia – Peoples Choice Award
2008 – Greener Festival Award

Rainbow Serpent Festival
Natural Event supplied site wide toilets as Rainbow Serpent Festival grew from a 6000 person capacity to 12000. Our services finally culminated in the site wide, permanent installation of the Natural Event system once the festival attained secure tenure of its venue in 2010.
We congratulate Meredith, The Falls and Rainbow Serpent festivals for following through with Natural Event’s environmental initiative and playing their role in creating further precedent for the progression of this technology into the mainstream culture of acceptance and expectation of toilet provision and waste reduction at large camping festivals.